
Starting Arts


Starting Arts actively advocates for more Arts Education in schools and the community. The most recent project involved creating a promotional video intending to spread the message that “The Arts bring kids back to life”.

The Impact

of the Arts

For decades, educators and parents have known that the arts develop children’s character, foster new skills and confer ongoing value to their lives and to the society as a whole. Research findings are now readily available to make a compelling case for the improvement of memory, literacy, spatial processes, mathematics, IQ, problem-solving and higher thinking skills. In addition, the arts reduce truancy problems, school dropout rates and lower likelihood of gang involvement and alcohol abuse.

With both anecdotal and scientific data to support the pivotal role of arts in the maturation and evolution of young people, it is time for parents, schools, school districts and state agencies to take action to support the inclusion of arts education in the core curriculum for all students.

Join Starting Arts in changing the shape of the educational landscape. Here are a few articles to get you started.

1. Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development, 2002 .

2. Arts Education Partnership, Champions of Change: The Impact of Arts on Learning, 1992.

The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing and arithmetic….music, dance, painting, and theatre are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishments.
-William Bennett, Former US Secretary of Education

Advocacy Resources: (click image to download large printable PDF file)

Starting Arts

Fun Facts

  • Starting Arts was founded at one elementary school in 2000.
  • SA has served over 125 Bay Area schools.
  • SA is one of the only organizations in the area to provide all four arts disciplines.
  • SA produces over 50 in-school theatre productions.
Support SA


Through PayPal Giving, 100% of your donation goes to Starting Arts (individual, tax-deductible $50 and up).


Mail your contribution to Starting Arts, 525 Parrott Street, San Jose, CA 95112. Be sure to include contact info so that we can get back to you with the proper forms for your tax deduction.